
Sports & Fashion

Newlife's MACO innovative magnetic display solution is easy to install, change, and dismantle. The cost of POP unified management is low, and the creative high-quality display effect is achieved. Due to the scattered spray printing production and decentralized installation of the traditional adhesive poster, professional workers are required, the installation time is long, and the limitations of pasting performance lead to uneven spray printing, materials and installation are easy to get out of control, high cost, poor display effect, and easy to break Wrinkled, difficult to replace, and time-consuming and laborious to clean up residual glue. MACO solution guarantees POP consistency, controllability, and visual effect optimization, helping brands to unify POP poster management. Famous sports shoes and fashion brands are using now: Adidas, NIKE, Anta, Xtep, 361°, Reebok, Peak, Skechers, VANS, etc.

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