
High performance rare earth permanent magnet powder
  • The first-generation powder and composite materials have been mass-produced, and the powder production capacity is 30 tons/month.
  • Low cost of raw materials;
  • The magnetic energy product of the injection molding magnet is above 8.0MGOe, and the suction force of the rubber magnet reaches the level of NdFeB R7;
  • Good results have been achieved in electronic terminal applications;
  • Magnetic products for adsorption have been trial-sold worldwide.

  • The coercive force of the second-generation product can reach more than 12,000 Oe, and the product will usher in a major development opportunity.
  • The temperature coefficient is small, and the temperature of the composite magnet is stable and high:
  • Improve the reliability of the motor in complex working conditions;
  • Facilitate lightweight and high-efficiency motors.

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