
NEWLIFE starts cooperation with Guangdong Radiation Protection Association

    On May 8, 2024, President Kong Lingfeng of the Guangdong Radiation Protection Association and other association leaders visited NEWLIFE and exchanged views on domestic and foreign radiation protection products and applications.
    At the symposium on the morning of the 8th, Wang Xiaoming, chairman of NEWLIFE, warmly welcomed the arrival of the Guangdong Radiation Protection Association and briefly introduced the basic situation of NEWLIFE's radiation protection products. He mentioned that the high-energy ray lead-free protective materials and Radbar medical X-ray acrylic protective sheets developed by NEWLIFE are widely used in medical, security inspection, food foreign body detection, nuclear power, nuclear industry and military industry, and have been widely recognized in the industry.
    President Kong Lingfeng introduced the basic situation of Guangdong Radiation Protection Association and welcomed NEWLIFE to join the association. The two parties conducted in-depth discussions on the current status and trends in radiation protection industry.

    During the meeting, the Guangdong Radiation Protection Association visited the company's exhibition hall, further learned about NEWLIFE's products and technologies, and put forward valuable suggestions.

[Previous]Entrepreneur Association of Shenzhen Micromotor Association visited NEWLIFE to discuss the future of the industry
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