
NEWLIFE Shines at Drupa 2024

Guangzhou Newlife New Materials Co., Ltd. (NEWLIFE) achieved great success at Drupa 2024, the world's most influential printing industry exhibition, held in June 2024 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Featured prominently in the official drupadaily publication, Newlife attracted significant attention with its innovative products at Hall 3 G55.

First Pre-magnetized Direct Printing Magnetic Paper (Press-Mag)

Newlife introduced the new Press-Mag Paper, solving alignment and mutual attraction issues found in other magnetic papers.

Ultra-thin, Ultra-wide New Generation Rubber Magnet (Super-Mag)

Newlife also showcased a new rubber magnet with a width of up to 1.5 meters and a thickness of 0.45mm, offering the same magnetic strength as the conventional 0.7mm thick magnets. This product reduces carbon emissions by over 30%, lowers packaging and transportation costs, and minimizes material waste, thereby improving production efficiency. It is ideal for wide-format advertising printing, meeting the market demand for efficient and eco-friendly materials.
Newlife remains dedicated to continuous innovation to meet diverse customer and market needs. The success at Drupa 2024 not only demonstrated our technological strength but also reinforced our leading position in the global printing magnetic materials market.
Drupa, held every four years, is the world's leading trade fair for printing and media technology. This year's event attracted over 1,600 exhibitors and more than 170,000 professional visitors.

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