
Multifunctional Printing Adhesive

With superior R&D on adhesive formulas and complete manufacturing technology, Newlife has been supplying many high-quality adhesive materials for our global customers for a long time. Our advantageous products include Nano silicon adhesive, water-based removable adhesive, removable foam adhesive and permanent adhesive.
We strictly select professional printing substrates, such as PET, PP, photo paper and others, and combine them with different adhesives. Our Print-Adhesive is suitable for different printing methods, such as wide-format inkjet, flexo, offset, INDIGO, laser, desktop print, and compatible with different inks.
Besides, Newlife characteristics Print-Adhesive-Plus, such as the thickened adhesive, light proof adhesive, adhesive magnets are also widely used all over the world, which are providing high-quality and cost-effective solutions for many brands and personalized applications.

Wide-format Printing Adhesive
Printing Adhesive For Offset & Digital Printing
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