
Newlife owns over 1000 types of profiles. Magnetic extrusion strip is widely used for display, fridge doors, house window and doors, warehouse signs, etc. The magnetic pole pattern can be made according to the customer’s specifications. There are many different types of adhesive such as solvent, rubber or foam that can be laminated on the non-magnetized side. Then you can adhere anything to the magnet strip and stick it onto fridges, file cabinets, or any other metal surface.
Please let us know what type of object the adhesive should stick to (such as paper, plastic, metal, wood) and the application (such as indoor or outdoor, normal, high or low temperatures) and we will provide more information and recommend the correct adhesive.
Select a profile from our large selection of profiles and avoid tooling charges. Custom profiles and sizes are available upon request. Contact our sales department for a complete list of available profiles.

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