
Newlife’s Plain-Mag is a ferrite permanent magnet material, which can be single-side or double-side magnetized. Normally Plain-Mag is single-side magnetized with UV coating protection.
It can be bonded to printed paper, plastic film, fabric or other materials. Plain-Mag is easy to post on iron plates or ferrous surface, and free to remove and reposition.
Plain-Mag is antirust and without demagnetization under normal circumstance.

Features Applications Notices

? UV Coating Protection: UV coating is used to avoid the blocking or sticking issue inside of Plain-Mag rolls or stacks. We usually apply UV coating on the magnetized side. Both sides UV coating or UV on edges or no UV are available under customer’s request.

? Back-print with Brand or Logo: The back printing on magnets is helpful to promote the brand and increase the recognition. Newlife has convenient printing equipment to provide highly cost-effective printing services.

? Customized Magnetization: one-side magnetized, 2-side magnetized, or without magnetization as required, and we can supply the magnetizer equipment.

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