
Newlife’s Print-Mag is a kind of eco-friendly and healthy magnetic printing material. It is permanent magnetized, antirust, flexible and easily cut and post producing. We strictly select professional printing substrates, such as PVC, PET, PP etc., and laminate on Plain-Mag.
Print-Mag is compatible for digital printing, format printing, mounting, cutting and other process.

Features Applications Notices

? Standard magnets’ thickness range is 0.2~1mm, width range is 620mm~1.52M.
? Magnetic property are divided into isotropic, semi-anisotropic, anisotropic and Super-Mag series.
? Print-Mag is suitable for various printers and inks, including (eco) solvent ink, UV ink, water-based ink, pigment ink, latex ink, etc.
? Thickness, width and length can be customized, as well as other performance.

? All raw materials are eco-friendly and safe to use, certified by the requirements of overseas and China, such as EN71, ASTM, REACH, etc.

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