
Magnetic Matt Whiteboard
Also made of professional PET whiteboard with matt and delicate finish, magnetic matt whiteboard is workable with a variety of whiteboard markers, comfortable to write on and wipe off.
According to the category of magnetic functional layer, we have Whiteboard-Mag, Whiteboard-Ferro, Whiteboard-Ferro Adhesive, Whiteboard-Ferro Removable, Whiteboard-Ferro Wallpaper.

Features Applications Notices

It is attractive and practical to paint Newlife’s Mag-Paint to decorate a new wall or renovate an old wall.
With Mag-paint, Whiteboard-Mag is easy to install on, replace freely.
Matt Whiteboard-Mag has a delicate texture and soft luster, its professional coating suits for different whiteboard markers.

Matt Whiteboard-Ferro is made of professional whiteboard PET and flexible ferro sheeting. Matt Whiteboard-Ferro has a delicate texture and soft luster, suits for whiteboard markers writing and wiping.

Matt Whiteboard-Ferro Adhesive is a good solution to make a less reflective whiteboard wall. The high-quality permanent adhesive is suitable for different install surface.

Matt Whiteboard-Ferro with removable adhesive is quite good to install on glass wall, metal board or other smooth surfaces. Easy to install, easy to take off.

Matt Whiteboard-Ferro Wallpaper has a luxury and less reflective surface, suitable to install a big size whiteboard wall.

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