
Magnetic Gloss Whiteboard
Newlife’s magnetic whiteboard is an innovative permanent magnet whiteboard material.
Made of professional PET whiteboard, gloss surface, superior write and erase performance, more than 60 days can be easily wiped. According to the category of magnetic functional layer, we have Whiteboard-Mag, Whiteboard-Ferro, Whiteboard-Ferro Adhesive, Whiteboard-Ferro Removable, Whiteboard-Ferro Wallpaper.

Features Applications Notices

In factory, office and commercial space, there are a lot of existing whiteboard, pained iron boards, walls and furniture. Whiteboard-Mag is workable to put on and take off freely.
Our professional whiteboard PET film has classic glossy surface, and perfect erased performance, Gloss Whiteboard-Mag is suitable for different kinds of whiteboard ink and markers, wiped clean up to 60 days.

Firstly, install Newlife’s Adhesive-Mag on an ordinary wall, door, furniture or other surface; then it is quite easy to attract Whiteboard-Ferro on the magnetic base. With magnetic receptive function, Whiteboard-Ferro surface is able to attract magnetic stationary things.

Newlife’ Whiteboard-Ferro adhesive can be firmly installed on walls or boards, and its surface is perfectfor whiteboard marker writing and dry erase, magnetic things can attract on.
Newlife strictly selects a variety of high-quality permanent adhesive, including non-carrier adhesive, double-sided adhesive, foam adhesive, suitable for different install surface.

With superior R&D and production technology on adhesive products, Newlife has been supplying many high-quality removable adhesive products to global customers for a long time, including water-based removable adhesive, Nano silicon adhesive, Nano foame adhesive, etc. With removable adhesive on the back of Whiteboard-Ferro, you can easily install it on a smooth surface, repeated posting, remove without residual.

There is a layer of wallpaper substrate on the back of Whiteboard-Ferro Wallpaper, which is designed to install and joint as normal wallpapers. To make a whole wall whiteboard is very convenient. The width of the Whiteboard-Ferro Wallpaper is up to 1.5M wide, the length is not limited. The writing surface is perfect for whiteboard markers, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant.

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