
NEWLIFE's 2023 APPPEXPO Exhibition ended successfully

    From June 18th to 21st, 2023, the Shanghai APPPEXPO - International Ad & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition kicked off at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). At this much-watched exhibition, NEWLIFE, the world's leading flexible printable media and adhesive film manufacturer, presented its latest innovative product at the exhibition, which aroused widespread attention from both the industry and the public.

   As a leader in the flexible magnetic and magnetic printing media industry, NEWLIFE has been committed to the development and promotion of MACO magnetic rapid display solutions. At this APPPEXPO, a series of new ferromagnetic film, directly printable magnetic film, antibacterial and rewritable film, and ClingKing film were displayed.

   First of all, NEWLIFE showed the latest ultra-thin iron powder film and ultra-light flexible magnet, which can achieve high-quality image output and continue to meet the needs of MACO's progress.
In addition, NEWLIFE also showed more applications of the micro suction adhesive & silicon material. Through various combinations of printing methods, removable glue, and venting properties, ClingKing film have broad application prospects in the fields of advertising, education, and decoration.

    During the exhibition, the booth of NEWLIFE attracted the attention of many visitors. Professionals and visitors from local and abroad compete to learn about our latest products. The sales patiently answered questions and demonstrated the practical application effect of new products, which won unanimous praise from visitors.

    By participating in the 2023 APPPEXPO, NEWLIFE once again demonstrated its innovative strength in the printing, magnet & adhesive industry. Our long-term adherence to "easy to installa, easy to change, no bubbles, no edge warping, no damage to the wall, safety and environmental protection, antibacterial, removable, rewritable and multifunctional" continues to bring new opportunities, to promote industry progress. , and to meet the ever-changing market demand.

Thanks again for your support.

Looking forward to meeting you again.

Magnetic Culture, New Life!

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