
Circular Economy

NEWLIFE - Sheet-edge Material Recycling

100% Recycling of Leftover Materials

The NEWLIFE factory has successfully achieved 100% recycling of leftover material. Whether it is surplus materials or waste products generated in the production, we transform them into valuable resources through reasonable treatment and reprocessing.

Reducing Waste

By recycling offcuts, we effectively reduce waste and reuse them in the production process. This not only reduces our dependence on natural resources but also lowers the environmental impact.

Recycled Materials

In addition to internal leftover recycling, we actively promote the use of recycled materials in product manufacturing. By utilizing recycled materials, we reduce the consumption of new raw materials, decrease our environmental footprint, and provide customers with high-quality products.

Ongoing Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving the technologies and processes for utilizing side materials and recycled materials, aiming to increase the recovery rate and resource utilization efficiency. Through continuous innovation and research and development, we strive for more environmentally friendly and sustainable production methods.

© 2023 NEWLIFE. All rights reserved.

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