
Business Ethics

NEWLIFE Corporation - Business Ethics

NEWLIFE upholds high standards of business ethics and conducts business on the basis of integrity, responsibility, and sustainable development.


NEWLIFE is firmly opposed to all forms of embezzlement, corruption, and immorality. We strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and have established a sound internal supervision and audit mechanism to ensure fair, transparent, and compliant business activities. We advocate an honest and honest corporate culture and are committed to creating a clean and honest business environment.

Intellectual Property Protection

NEWLIFE attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and respects the intellectual property rights and innovation achievements of others. We actively abide by relevant laws and regulations and strictly prohibit infringement on the intellectual property rights of others, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. We have established a strict intellectual property management system to strengthen the protection and management of intellectual property rights, ensure the legitimate rights and interests of our own innovations, and work with our partners to promote the process of intellectual property protection.

Social Responsibility

NEWLIFE adheres to the concept of social responsibility and regards sustainable development as its core goal. We are committed to promoting the development of environmental protection, resource conservation, and social welfare. We actively undertake social responsibilities and pay attention to social issues and environmental protection. We promote sustainable development, aim to reduce our environmental impact, and actively participate in community development and public welfare.

Customer Care

We pay attention to the needs and interests of our customers and are committed to providing quality products and services. We listen to our customers' opinions and feedback and continuously improve and innovate to meet their expectations and requirements.

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