
Responsible Mineral Management

NEWLIFE - Responsible Mineral Management

NEWLIFE strictly abides by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) "Due Diligence Guidelines for Mineral Supply Chains in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas" and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to ensure that mineral procurement and use are ethical, environmentally friendly, and meet human rights requirements. We work with our suppliers and require them to supply certified minerals to ensure they are sourced legally, compliantly, conflict-free, and in compliance with social and environmental responsibility.

Transparency and Traceability

We actively promote transparency and traceability, building trust and transparency in the mineral supply chain. By building partnerships and conducting supplier audits, we ensure the legality and sustainability of our minerals.

Reducing Dependency on Conflict Minerals

We are committed to reducing our use of conflict minerals and encouraging the use of alternative and recycled materials to reduce our dependence on finite resources. We promote the recycling and reuse of minerals and reduce the mining of new minerals.

Employee Awareness and Training

In addition, we continue to increase employee awareness and training on responsible mineral management to ensure that they understand and comply with relevant policies and procedures.

Promoting Social, Environmental, and Economic Sustainability

Our responsible mineral management practices are designed to promote social, environmental, and economic sustainability. We are committed to cooperating with supply chain partners and stakeholders to jointly promote the development of responsible mineral supply chains.

© 2023 NEWLIFE. All rights reserved.

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