
The 135th Canton Fair magnetic educational toys & promotional gift.

Guangzhou Newlife New Material Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specialized in magnetic toys, educational toys, and promotional gifts. We have been in business for over 20 years and have a strong reputation for quality and innovation.
We are excited to be exhibiting at the 135th Canton Fair, which will be held in Guangzhou, China from May 1st to 5th, 2024. We will be showcasing our latest products and services at booth 17.1 L01.
We invite you to visit our booth and learn more about our products and services. We look forward to meeting you and discussing how we can help you with your business needs.
Products and Services:
Magnetic Toys: Magnetic building blocks, magnetic puzzles, magnetic board games, etc.
Educational Toys: Magnetic alphabet, magnetic numbers, magnetic shapes, etc.
Promotional Gifts: Fridge magnets, magnetic keychains, magnetic bookmarks, etc.

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